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Environmental groups, like NRDC, claim the effects of sonar are more dramatic, and can cause permanent damage and mass strandings. They point out in their press release that the Navy acknowledges in its official Environmental Assessment of the exercises, that sonar use in Southern California waters willsignificantly disturb or injure Jaeger LeCoultre replica watches an estimated 170,000 marine mammals,including causing permanent injury to more than 450 whales andtemporary hearing impairment in at least 8,000 whales.The Supreme Court will now get to decide whether the relationship between executive authority and sound extends beyond private phone lines and remote islands with hushed prisoners, to an underwater realm.--Joe Spring.

Almost 33 years to the day since Jaws first thrashed his motorized snout over the gunwale of Richard Dreyfusss boat, that chromatic duh-dah, duh-dah, duh-dah just refuses to die. This time, its Mandibulas, risen recently in the Ixtapa area of Mexico. A spate of shark attacks caused two severe injuries, one death and, according to the LA Times Panerai replica watches review of the situation, a ceremonial shark massacre and community panic.Ichthyologists are pointing to a perfect storm of shark trends (depleted populations plus La Ni?a) and human emotion that has led to massive shark hunts and beach closings that would make Mayor Vaughn cringe.

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