Replica Longines Legend Diver Automatic Watches also refers to the shape
If you are planning to propose your girlfriend then always remember that diamond Replica Longines Legend Diver Automatic Watches are the best way to express your love and devotion. And if you want then you can buy diamond engagement rings online from the comfort of your bedroom.But before buying diamond engagement ring you must understand the 4CS of diamond. It is very essential to have the knowledge of 4C as it determines the value of diamond.ClarityThe clarity of diamond refers to the inclusions and found in the stone. An inclusion is a trace mineral or an imperfection which is visible in the stone by a tool used by jewellers known as lope. Always remember that diamonds which are clear or have few inclusions are expensive. And a diamond which has no inclusions are known as flawless are found very rare and hence they are valuable also.ColorCo lour of diamond plays a very important role in determining the value of diamond and also in price. You can find that color grades are measured on the scale of alphabets ranging from D as colorless to Z tint yellow. Generally the diamonds which are colorless have highest value but as the color of traces increases the value of diamond is reduced.Generally Replica Longines Legend Diver Automatic Watches appear colorless to naked eye but when you will view diamond with tripod or loop under white fixed illumination you will find that diamond have a tint of yellow or brown. You can also find diamonds in green, red, deep yellow and blue which are known as fancy colored diamonds.CutCut is the most important factor among all the factors as it determines the sparkle and brilliance of diamond. It also refers to the shape of diamond.CaratCarat refers to the weight and weight of diamond is measured in carat. Generally carat is divided into 100 points. But always remember that carat is meaningless if you do not consider clarity, colour and cut of diamond. A diamond of higher carat is not valuable if it lacks high grade colour, purity and brilliance. However larger stones are found very rare compare to smaller stones and hence the value of diamond rises with the weight of diamond. For example a diamond of 3 carats will have more value compare to 1.0 carat of the same quality.You must always keep in mind that no two diamonds are same and hence you must consider all the factors that are clarity, colour, cut and carat before buying your Replica Longines Legend Diver Automatic Watches.